The EBA attended the Parliamentary Hearings related to the Foreign Investment climate improvement in Armenia

On December 9, the European Business Association attended parliamentary hearings related to the Foreign Investment climate improvement issues at the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.

European Business Association executive director Diana Sarumova made a speech and emphasized main impediments for the Investment Climate improvement in Armenia and suggested first working on specific improvements, supporting those companies that are already operating in Armenia and then only make awareness and PR for the country.
Executive director of EBA mentioned current improvements in tax and customs field that several months ago was a cornerstone for the business development and now companies can already see changes, hope it will be continuous process.
Diana Sarumova emphasized equal rights and fair competition that is crucial for operating and incoming foreign investors, she also mentioned importance of judicial system that makes investors feeling safe and confident.
Several European companies that are now having troubles in doing business in Armenia have been mentioned and it was suggested to have a follow up meetings to find potential solutions.
If we can help those companies it will be the best PR and benchmark for other foreign companies to enter the Armenian market.
On behalf of EBA and its members that have been also invited to the Parliament she provided gratitude and mentioned importance of public-private dialog that show willingness of Armenian government to collaborate and find mutual solutions.