07 July 20, European Business Association in Armenia conducted on-line meeting related to economic competition in Armenia. The meeting was organized for EBA members and partners joint with the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition in the scope of EU Project “Strengthening of EU Business in Armenia”.
The opening speech was presented by Head of EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador, H.E. Mrs. Andrea Wiktorin and the Chairman of the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Gegham Gevorgyan. Presentations have been conducted by Mr. Hayk Karapetyan, Member of the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition and Mr. Arsen Hovhannisyan, Competition law expert, lecturer of YSU Chair of Civil Law.
Webinar discussion topics presented: The effect of Covid-19 on competition in markets
Rules set by the law on the protection of economic competition, which must be followed in business relations
Brief description of the changes in the law on the protection of economic competition.
Representatives of private sector had a Q/A session and passed their concerns, questions and suggestions.
Members of Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition expressed their willingness to cooperate and have this format of meetings on regular basis.
European Union in Armenia
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