On 8th of June European Business Association has conducted on-line awareness session to introduce changes and existing opportunities in the Public Procurement System. The meeting has been conducted in the scope of EU Project “Strengthening EU Business development in Armenia”.
The main objective of the online meeting was to make awareness regarding updates and opportunities of the Public Procurement System and present new opportunities to companies that are not aware about changes done and have concerns related to the fair competition and information transparency (especially for foreign investors). Main concern was presented during interviews with business representatives in the scope of EBA regular market exploratory study in the frame of the EU Project mentioned above. The survey results demonstrated that majority of companies’ owners/managers don’t have an appropriate access to information and equal opportunities sometimes. There is also no information in English, thus related difficulties are existing for foreign investors while applying to the public tenders.
Updates and discussion were presented by Mr. Sergey Shahnazaryan, Head of the Procurement Policy Department of the RA Ministry of Finance.
The opening speech was made by Mr. Karen Azaryan, Trade Officer at the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia.
Schneider Group Presentation